Posts Tagged ‘video’

17th June
written by JAK
21st April
written by JAK
23rd February
written by JAK

When I was studying in Italy, I asked my one Italian friend there what English sounded like to a non-native English speaker. He said it reminded him of running water.

Below is another interpretation, this one from a 1970s Italian variety show. In the beginning of the video, the girl asks her teacher “Have you ever written a song using foreign words that didn’t mean anything?” (or something along those lines…it’s been a while since I’ve translated Italian!). The teacher responds with this song which has plenty of English-like sounds in it, but doesn’t mean anything…I don’t think. Actually, it sounds kind of like Bob Dylan…or Mick Jagger in one of his less coherent songs.

It will get in your head—kind of like a bollywood song. But you won’t be able to sing it to yourself later, since you won’t remember the non-words. I’ve been kinda humming it to myself with an “Oll Raight!” thrown in every now and again. Frustrating!

31st December
written by JAK

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
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18th December
written by JAK

Thanks to Captain Canuck for the heads-up!

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26th October
written by JAK

This is from last year, but I like it so here it is again: Monster Mash featuring

Me as Dr. Frankenstein
Dad as Dracula
Mom as Werewolf
Link (bro-in-law) as Dr. Frankenstein’s Monster
Michelle (sister) as Bride of Frankenstein


Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
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6th October
written by JAK

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30th September
written by JAK

A music video by Oren Lavie…

Web site at
